Announcement on Dmitry Gartung's resignation from shareholders and executive board of CHKPZ PJSC
In September 2022 Gartung A.V. and Gartung D.V. signed the share purchase agreement (the amount of sold ordinary registered shares by Gartung D.V. and preference shares – 41 440 pcs., stake in the equity capital – 5, 1781%).
Registration of transfer of rights was made by NRK – R.O.S.T. JSC.
In compliance with the current statutory requirements of Russian Federation CHKPZ PJSC disclosed this information on official website of Interfax - Disclosure of Corporate information Center on 26.09.2022. Link to post:
Also Gartung Dmitry Valarevich made a decision to resign from CHKPZ Executive board. This application was received by CHKPZ PJSC on 23.08.2022.
Since Gartung D.V. sold shares and made a decision to resign from Executive board, he stopped participating in activities of CHKPZ PJSC and ceased to have any relation to its projects.
Printable version: О выходе Гартунга Д.В. из состава акционеров.pdf